Sutra-40 To get amended the needle made of wood, staff and stick. Sutra-42 To tie more than three patches to the utensils uselessly. Sutra-43 Tying the utensils without proper manner. Sutra-44 To tie the utensils once. Sutra-45 To tie more than three grafts to the utensil. Sutra-46 To keep the utensil more than one and a half months with him which
is tied more than thrice. Sutra-47 To graft the torn cloth. Sutra-48 To graft the torn cloth more than thrice. Sutra-49 To sew the cloth in unproper manner. Sutra-50 To tie once the torn cloth. Sutra-51 To tie more the three times the torn cloth. Sutra-52 To sew an extra piece of cloth with the torn cloth. Sutra-53 To tie more than three piece of extra cloth with the torn cloth. Sutra-54 To tie the the piece of cloths in unproper manner. Sutra-55 To sew different types of piece of cloths. Sutra-56 To keep the sewn cloth sewed with more than three piece for more
than one and a half months duration. Sutra-57 To get removed the accumulated smoke of the kitchen. Sutra-58 To use the Putikarama faulty food, usual material and bed.
Expiation is essential for the activities mentioned above. इस उद्देशक के 20 सूत्रों के विषय का कथन निम्नलिखित आगमों में है, यथा79-1-9 810 0 <1 Held at TET I COM. . 21
-10 Tių Š 371476 Eta a FAQE I 377.85. 2 37. 1 3. 8 377.4.2 37. 15 9-14 .
चेल-चिलिमिलिका रखना एवं उसके उपयोग का विधान। बृह. उ. 1 -31-38 379 for at fortg videla TEMAT TE TIG 3R9 gol fade an
30, ICT fafe | 371.97.2 37. 7 3.1 51-56 forang ata a qufa i 15. 94. 1 37. 1 3. 3
The sutra of matter of twenty sutras of this chapter has been narrated in this Agamas as follows:
Sutra 1 to 9 Masturbation is narrated as a "Safala Dos' in Dasha Sutra D. No. 21. Sutra 10 Prohibition of attachment in our Avashyaka Sutra chap one, Text-8
etc. Sutra 14 Keeping and using the cloth-mosquito not Brahatkulp Sutra chapter
प्रथम उद्देशक
First Lesson