Sutra 16
Sutra 17-18
Sutra 19-24
Sutra 25-29
Sutra 30-35
Accepting the atonement of deceitful repentance of once accepted fault place and its establishments should be understood as similar to the previous explained sutras. The entire description related to repeatedly accepted fault places similar to the above mentioned sutra should be understood the same as in these two sutras. The obligatory establishment and attribution are given for twenty days of two months places deserving fit for accepting of any expiation from one month to six months and again the non-obligatory establishment and attribution of that place deserves fit for two months is given for a total period of two months and twenty days. Accepting the expiation of the establishment and attribution of two months and twenty days through increasing the establishment and attribution for a period of twenty days respectively of the expiation deserves two months when fault are committed again and again, the attribution can be awarded maximum upto six months. The obligatory and non-obligatory establishments and attributions should be known according to the sutra No. 19 to 24 but the atonement in lieu of two months should be understood one month, fifteen days in lieu of twenty days and one and a half months in lieu of two months and twenty days. The establishments and attributions should be known as similar as sutra No. 24 to 29 but here in beginning the establishment is of one and a half month in lieu of two months twenty days and the atonement deserves fit for a period of one month increasing the attribution of fifteen days in lieu of twenty days the description of the attribution upto the six months duration should be understood. Accepting the expiation fit for two months afflicted with faults of one months places the attribution is increased by fifteen days. After it in attributing two months places, it is increased by twenty days. In the same way through increasing the attribution from both these places the establishment should be understood upto the six months. Thus to assign atonement on the repentance of the expiation places in the chapter and during its application the legislation of obligatory and unobligatory establishment and of the establishment and attribution has been made.
Sutra 36-44
Sutra 45-51
Il THAT JESUCH THIC II The End of Twentieth Chapter.
बीसवाँ उद्देशक
Twentieth Lesson