The description of the subject matter of the twelve sutras of this chapter is found in the following Agamas, as : Sutra 6 Prohibition of taking move than three doses of medicine for an ailing
ascetic. Thana-chap-3. Sutra 8 Not to perform SELF study at four junctures of the (Sandhya). Thana
chap-4. Sutra 12 Not to perform SELF study in four Pratipada. Thana-chap-4. Sutra 13 Not to perform SELF study in four prescribed terms is called
“Transgression”. Ava-sutra-chap-4. Sutra 14 Prohibition of SELF study at time of non-SELF study time. Ava-sut
chap-7. Sutra 15 Prohibition of SELF study while the body is unfit after SELF-study.
Vayoo-chap-7. Sutra 16-17 The laws of study and preaching order of Agamas. Vayo-chp-10. Sutra 18-19 Prohibition of delivering discourses to an unworthy and laws of
delivering discourses to an able person. Prihatkalp-chap-4. Sutra 20-21 Prohibition of delivering discourses to an underserved one and laws
of delivering discourses to deserved one. Vayo-chap-10. The description of the subject matter of the twenty three sutras of this chapter is not found in other Agamas as : Sutra 15-17 Above mentioned entire description related to medicine is not found
any where else. Sutra 9-10 The laws of chanting loudly the nine verses of Kalika Sutra and twenty
one verses of Drishtivada. Sutra 11 Prohibition of SELF-study in four great festivals. Sutra 22 Remaining impartial while delivering discourses. Sutra 23 Not to accept undelivered “Vachana”. Sutra 24-25 Not to deliver "Vachana" to the householder indulged in unrighteous
activities and to the Parshavaths, and not to take "Vachana” from there person.
II JITHAŤ JE910 1941 The End of Nineteenth Chapter.
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Nishith Sutra