करतात तार तार
___To such an “Avyakt" ascetic Vachana of Kaalika. Sutras (Ang-Sutra and Chhed sutra) is not to be given.
In its commentary clarifying its reason it has been said that in the young age the grasping power and retaining power of sutras has been less. As the commentator has said that the unburnt earthen pot has been put into the fire to make it firm, but the water is not poured into it, in the same way the disciple of young age is made mature through academic teachings but the “Vachana" of the above mentioned Agamas is given after achieving the age of Vyakt and Patra (Competency).
Thus, in every two sutras from sutra No. 16 to 21 three topics have been narrated in order. To preach, in order of sutras, only to.one who is endowed with the virtue of submissiveness, and among the ables to preach only the one who has attained the age of Vyakt. To behave contrary to these laws an atonement comes. वाचना देने से पक्षपात करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE REPENTANCE OF SHOWING PARTIALITY IN PREACHING (VACHANA) 22. जे भिक्खू दोण्हंसरिसगाणं एक्कं संचिक्खावेइ, एक्कंन संचिक्खावेइ, एक्कं वाएइ, एक्कंन
. वाएइ,तं करतं वा साइज्जइ। सारे 22. जो भिक्षु दो समान योग्यता वाले शिष्यों में से एक को शिक्षित करता है और एक को नहीं करता
है, एक को वाचना देता है और एक को नहीं देता है अथवा ऐसा करने वाले का समर्थन करता
है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) 22. The ascetic who gives Vachana only to one out of two disciples of equal ability or
supports the ones who does so, a laghu-chaumasi expiation comes to him. अदत्त वाचना ग्रहण करने का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF OBTAINING THAT IS NOT GIVEN BY AN ABLE ONE "VACHANA"
23. जे भिक्खू आयरिय-उवज्झाएहिंअविदिण्णं गिरं आइयइ, आइयंतं वा साइज्जइ। घरे 23. जो भिक्षु आचार्य और उपाध्याय के दिए बिना वाचना लेता है अथवा लेने वाले का समर्थन करता
है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) The ascetic who takes "Vachana" without direction by a preceptor or holy teacher
or supports the ones who takes so, a laghu-chaumasi expiation comes to him. Kगृहस्थ के साथ वाचना के आदान-प्रदान का प्रायश्चित्त AK THE ATONEMENT OF TAKING AND GIVING THE "VACHANA" (DISCOURSE) FROM OR TO
A HOUSEHOLDER 12 24. जे भिक्खू अण्णउत्थियं वा गारत्थियं वा सज्झायं वाएइ, वाएंतं वा साइज्जइ। पटे 25. जे भिक्खू अण्णउत्थियस्स वा गारत्थियस्स वा वायणं पडिच्छइ, पडिच्छंतं वा साइज्जइ। 2 24. जो भिक्षु अन्यतीर्थिक या गृहस्थ को वाचना देता है अथवा देने वाले का समर्थन करता है।
उन्नीसवाँ उद्देशक
Nineteenth Lesson