B विद्या, मंत्र, चूर्ण, योग के प्रयोग से आहार प्राप्त करना, अदृश्य रहकर आहार प्राप्त करना तथा निमित्त
बताकर आहार प्राप्त करना भी 'उत्पादना' दोष है और इनके सेवन से लघचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है। विद्या' र आदि पदों की व्याख्या इसी उद्देशक में की गई है, वहाँ से समझ लेना चाहिए।
इन दोषों के सेवन में दाता के अनुकूल हो जाने पर वह उद्गम दोष लगा सकता है और प्रतिकूल होने जाने ११ पर साधु की अवहेलना या निन्दा कर सकता है, जिससे धर्म की तथा जिनशासन की अपकीर्ति होती है। र इन पन्द्रह सूत्रों में कहे गये पन्द्रह दोषस्थानों के सेवन में दीनवृत्ति का सेवन होता है। जबकि भिक्षु सदा
अदीनवृत्ति से एषणासमिति का पालन करने वाला कहा गया है। अतः उसे इन प्रवृत्तियों द्वारा आहार प्राप्ति का र संकल्प भी नहीं करना चाहिए।
Comments-Through performing manifold "restraint contradictory conduct" to accept food, is called "utpadana fault” for an 'ascetic. The number of such faults are sixteen in "Pindniryukati". Here the atonement of fourteen faults out of sixteen has been said and the atonement of the "Antardhyam-pind” has been narrated some what more. The inclusion of this pind is possible in "Yoga-pind."
Dhatri-pind—The nurses for babies are said of five kinds as-1. Milk feeding, 2. To get them bathed, 3. To get them decorated with garments and ornaments, 4. Food feeding, 5. To get played in laps. Taking food from the householder who does these five types of duties is called "Dhatri-pind" fault.
Doots-pind—One who accepts food though gossip like a female-envoy or hearing the tails of relatives.
Aajeevika-pind-To accept food telling about his caste and class or boasting about his virtues.
Vanipaak-pind-To beg food meekly like a beggar by telling the benefit of charity or blessing the donor.
Krodh-pind-Accepting food by exhibuting anger or taking food by showing the 5 fear of cursing.
___Maan-pind Over refusing to offer food to say “I will take" later on through his wit and arguments to take food from other member of the house.
Maya-pind-To take food disguising ones identity.
Lobha-pind-Over getting favourable food, losing his understanding, to beg in more quantity. If the food wished for is not available then roaming there. Not to take any other desirous things.
Chikitsha-pind—To take alms by telling the diagnosis or treatment of any disease Bon asking or on not asking by the householders or to accept food telling them his past
history of treatment of his own ailment, telling the names of the doctor and Indian doctor by whom he was treated is called Chikisha-pind.
To take food by telling them the use of spell, Mantra, Churan, Yogaetc. to accept food keeping himself invisible, and receiving food by telling them “Nimit” are also
तेरहवाँ उद्देशक
Thirteenth Lesson