In seventh Dasa of the Dasashrutskandha for the ascetic who has avowed the special vows (Pratimadhari) the law of taking food in anyone part of the three parts of the day is there. But there is neither law nor prohibition of taking food in first, second, third and fourth quarter of the day...
In the chapter fifth of Brihatkalpsutra it has been said that while taking food at the time close to the sunrise or sun set, if the ascetic comes to know that the sun has risen or the sun has set, at that very moment if the ascetic gets the food of mouth, hands and pot thrown away he does not violate the commands of sutra, but if he takes food even knowing the facts, then, an atonement comes to him.
In the fourth chapter of Brihatkalpa it has been stated that it is not admissible to monks and nuns to keep the food upto the fourth Pahar that hat has been accepted in first quarter of the day. But if it is kept unknowingly then it should be discarded.
The conclusion is that the monks and nuns generally go to seek food in the third quarter (Indian time). In exceptional cases they may go at anytime about seems favourable to the locality for taking food during day time. But it is not admissible to keep the food more than three Pahar. If unknowingly it is left then it should not be consumed.
आहार की क्षेत्र मर्यादा के उल्लंघन का प्रायश्चित्त THE ATONEMENT OF VIOLATING THE AREA LIMIT OF TAKING FOOD 33. जे भिक्खू परं अद्धजोयणमेराओ असणं वा, पाणं वा, खाइमं वा, साइमं वा उवाइणावेइ
उवाइणावेंतं वा साइज्जइ। 42 33. जो भिक्षु दो कोश की मर्यादा से आगे अशन, पान, खाद्य या स्वाद्य ले जाता है अथवा ले जाने
वाले का समर्थन करता है। (उसे लघुचौमासी प्रायश्चित्त आता है।) The ascetic who carries the food, water, sweets and the tasty items etc ahead of the limits of two kosa or supports the ones who carries so then an expiation of laghuchaumasi comes to him. विवेचन-दो कोश से आगे ले जाने से होने वाले दोष1. पानी की मात्रा अधिक ली जाएगी। 2. वजन अधिक हो जाने से श्रम अधिक होगा। . 3. सीमा न रहने से संग्रहवृत्ति बढ़ेगी। 4. खाद्य पदार्थों की आसक्ति की वृद्धि होगी। 5. अन्य अनेक दोषों की परम्परा बढ़ेगी। Comments—The faults of carrying food beyond the limit of two “Kosha" — 1. The water will be taken in more quantity. 2. It requires more labour due to more weight. 3. The impulse of possessiveness will increase in not taking care of limit. 4. Attachment towards eating material will increase. 5. A chain of many other faults will be created.
तातानि वाताव
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Nishith Sutra