“Ayaru” has twenty sub division out of these the constitution of Nishith-sutra has been done from this twentieth subdivision. M
Nishitha is the fifth Chula of Acharanga-sutra. It is also called an independent chapter. Therefore, its another name is "Nishithadhyana" also. It has twenty chapters. The laws of atonement are found in first nineteen chapters and in the twentieth chapter the process of giving the expiation is propounded.
In the first chapter the expiation monthly Anudghatika (Ghurumastik) is provided, second to fifth chapter monthly, Udghatika (Laghumasika) from sixth to eleventh chapters chaturmasik Anudghaliku (Guru chaturmasik) and from twelfth to twentieth chapter masku udghalika (laghu chaturmasik punishment) are narrated.
Since the solemnity, variety and widely is almost noticed in the subject matter of Nishith-sutra, therefore along with the implied version of present chheda sutra where ever it was needed the simple, lucid and the commentary precise have been provided so that learned the readers may not face any difficulty in understanding its subject matter. Merely it is not so but for the easy comprehension of the various important subjects the multi-coloured, beautiful and attractive pictures have also been illustrated at various places so that such pictures may be engraved on mind of the readers and they may understand the depth of the subject propounded in this Agama by the omniscient almighty easily.
The first three chheda-sutras namely Shree Darshurutskanda, Shree Brihatkalpa and Vyavahana Sutra have already been published. Presently the new edition of Nishith-sutra in the form of English version along with the coloured illustrations is published.
In Editing his Agama I, with my own understanding, and taking help of the Hindi commentary written by Yuva Acharya Shree Madhukar Muni Ji MS and edited and elucidrated by other scholars, I have presented the version of these The subject matter of Nishith-Sutra is very deep. The substances narrated in it also presents many a contemplative points regenerating the ascetic conduct, shraman current code of conduct at various places. Nevertheless avoiding myself from the controversial and disputed subject. I have clarified all such subjects in an impartial manner. If I have committed anywhere any mistake or written anything adverse to the subject matter then I offer my Micchhami Dukkaram (apology) for the mistake that I have committed.
In this era of globalization the linguistic knowledge of Hindi among our youngsters is decreasing and their interest towards English language is increasing