Sutra-12 Sutra-13 Sutra-14 Sutra-15-20
Sutra-24 Sutra-25-30
GIEU TU açi HHT, Aftet 471, Afeit 37194 Halle B करना, अविधि से बाँधकर रखना, अनावश्यक एक भी बंधन करना, आवश्यक भी तीन से अधिक बंधन करना। पाँच प्रकार के सिवाय अन्य जाति का रजोहरण बनाना, दूर रखना, पाँव आदि के नीचे दबाना, सिर के नीचे रखना। इत्यादि प्रवृत्तियों का लघुमासिक प्रायश्चित्त आता है। To perform activities of food, purification and study through standing, sitting and sleeping on the living earth near to the trunk of a tree. To get sewed his shawl from the householder. To tying string lengthy to the small shawl. To eat the leaves of the Neem etc. washing with water. Not to return the padprochhana and staff etc of the householder or Shayyatar at scheduled time. To use again the "Shayya Samstaraka” without permission that has already been returned. To spin wool, cotton etc. To make or keep the living, coloured or multi coloured attractive "Dand' withhim. To go for seeking alms into newly settled villages or newly created mines. To play violin with mouth and play other instruments. To stay or enter into Oddeshika, Saprabhartar Saparikaram Shayya. The prohibition of carrying out the Sambhogpratyayik activity. To discard tearing into pieces the usable utensils or the cloths, blanket or the padprochhan. To throw away the stick, staff breaking them into pieces. To make the Rajoharan bigger than measurement, To make strings light, to tic stringmutually, to tic in an unproper-manners, once tic unnecessary, at necessasity to tic three Knots. To prepare Rajoharan of foreign material instead of five required materials, to keep at a distance, to stamp under the legs, to keep under the head. Alaghu-masik expiation comes of all these activities.
Sutra-33-35 Sutra-36-38 Sutra-39 Sutra-40-41
Sutra-42 Sutra-43-52
II 1943E91C HIGT II The end of fifth chapter
Nishith Sutra