vols. 3-4, in his paper Vinaya-sutra-Vṛtti. Shri Jion Abey, a post-graduate student of Tokyo University, residing in Poona, copied out for our comparison, the Tibetan version of the remaining two third portion of the first chapter, edited here fully.
The remaining portion of the text of the commentary being very fragmentary, it was thought necessary to limit our present efforts to the publication of the first chapter only. We are indebted to both these gentlemen for supplying the copy of the relevent portion of the Tibetan text from the Peking edition of the Tibetan Tripitaka vol. cxxiv published at Tokyo by the Suzuki Research Foundation.
In this text of ours, the text of the Sutras is indicated in a different type. To facilitate reading we have dissolved Sanskrit Sandhis in many places. The portion in square brackets indicates that these words are either missing in the part, or are based upon Tibetan version. The footnotes explain other readings or indicate parallels in other Buddhist Literature. Some explanatory notes are also given in an Appendix A fairly detailed Index is added at the end, which may be useful for locating important words. (pp. 65-84) in this text.
P. V. Bapat
Poona, May, 1982