An Analytic Summary of the Sbh.
clxvii (f) This is followed by a brief description of the follo
wing pudgalas stationed in gotra(i) a pudgala stationed in the gotra only (gotra
eva sthitaḥ); (ii) descended and not departed (avatirņo, na nis
krāniaḥ); (iii) descended as well as departed (avatirņo nis
krāntaḥ); (iv) a pudgala being equipped with mild senses
(mrdvindriyah); (v) a pudgala having an indifferent sense (madhy
endriyaḥ); (vi) a pudgala equipped with a sharp sense (tiks
ņendriyaḥ); (vii) a pudgala having the conduct of attachment
(rāgacaritaḥ); (viii) a pudgala having the conduct of envy (dveșa
caritaḥ); (ix) a pudgala having the conduct of sloth (moha
caritaḥ); (x) a pudgala born in unfavourable circumstances
(akṣaṇopapannaḥ); (xi) a pudgala having undertaken elusive way
(mithyāparatipannaḥ); (vii) a pudgala having not undertaken elusive way
(a-mithyāpratipannaḥ); (xiii) a pudgala encompassed in the circumstances
not leading to Nirvāṇa) (āvstaḥ); (xiv) a pudgala not encompassed (in the circum
ştances not leading to nirvāņa) (an-āvýtah);