An Analyitc Summary of the Sbh.
clxv (iii) Kušalo dharmacchandah, i. e. the pious desire to listen
to the instructions of the Buddha, having sraddba therein and being renunciated thereby, a persons acquires training in the instructions of the Buddha
(iv) Pravrajyā (renunciation : one renounces from the
worldly objects by practising in accordance with the
teachings of the Buddha. (v) śīlasaṁvaraḥor restraint in normal conduct; (vi) indriya-sarvara or sense-restraint; (vii) bhojane mātrajñatā or knowledge of the quantity of
(viii) pūrvarātrāpararātraň jāgarikānuyogaḥ, i. e., being
awake in the pūrvarātra and the apararātra; (ix) samprajānadvihāritā i. e., walking while knowing it
well; (x) prāvivekyas or loneliness; (xi) nivaranavisuddhiḥ or purification (extinction) of the
(five) hindrances; and lastly,
(xii) samādhisamniśrayaḥ or taking resort to concentration
and meditation.
After having acquired the faculty of meditation on the four dhyānas and contemplative innight thereof, a person acquires mental orientation (manaskāra) in yoga through its different factors (nimitta) and thereby attains the right view, through which he acquires the realization of the four Aryan Truths which again leads him to the attainment of the perfection of deliverance (vimuktiparipūri) and thereby to the nirvāna which is without impressions (nirupādhiśeșa nirvāņa) and this acquisition of nirupādhiśesa parinirvāņa