12. [Second) Appendix
done, that which is still to be done by him, [and] that which he has not performed though he was capable of it; 13. whether any other person did observe a [certain] fault of his or whether [only] his own soul (was conscious of it], and why he did not avoid it — if he thus examines himself in the right way, he will not create a new fetter. 14. Wherever an intelligent [monk] sees [himself in danger of doing] any evil whether in deed or word or thought, he should quickly restrain [himself] just as a noble horse does not strain against the curb. 15. A pious [and] intelligent man, with subdued senses, who [constantly practises) restraints of this kind, is commonly called one living in the state of an Awakened One, and he lives a life of self-control. 16. The soul must always be protected by all senses under full control. [An) unprotected [man) must tread the path of [new] birth, a well-protected (man) is free from all pain. Thus I say.