Ks. 1 (), 3, 4, 7, 10, 18. a 15+ 16 and 15 16. Ks. 1 (ar) 14, 16. aar 13 + 16 and 13 - 16. Ks. 2, 11, 15, 17:15 + 16 and 13 + 16 Ks. 5, 6, 12, 13:13 + 16 and 15+ 16. K. 8: 1314 and 13 + 16. K. 9:13 + 16 and 13+ 15.
The examination of the moras of gas and gas point out that there are variations in moras in different Pādas either due to scribe's errors or resulting from faulty orthography, the author's carelessness, and metrician's broadness in regard to the counting of moras in as. It is very difficult to fix up the moras-exactness and hence in the metres one more mora or less would give another metre.
Further, it is very difficult to fix up the rigid difference between faqs and ags as the rhyming is usually of b and d; and the separation of a and c can be accounted for only by caesura. Had it not been for rhyming it would have been difficult to distinguish ego from wer as a prescribes only caesura at 10 and 8 and takes 10 + 8 + 13 = 31 as one line while has rhyming of à and b, d and e and c and f. For as this rhyming is pointed out by Chn. But then छड्डुणिका can be taken as द्विपदी. The or rhyme alone can help us to separates but it is not possible to have rhyme at all places as we saw in case of the чrs of our work, examined above.
II The kadavaka-beginning stanza or the Kadavaka-Dhruvaka
The kadavaka-beginning stanza is not obligatory like the Sandhi-Dhruvaka. Chn. says if gat for the Sandhi-Dhruvaka. It is not so for the Kadavakabeginning stanza. In practice also it is found that several Sandhis of Svayambhu's Pauma-Cariu and Puspadanta's Mahapurāņu do not possess Kadavakabeginning stanzas. In our work also Sandhis 1 and 13 do not possess the Kadavaka-beginning stanzas. The Kadavaka-beginning stanza has generally a metre named. The Kadavaka-beginning stanza gives unity to the Kadavaka which becomes a musical unit by itself by becoming पदबंध जयदेव अष्टपदीs and as in middle Gujarati poetry are the historical consequence of a single Kadavaka of eight lines with its Kadavaka-beginning stanza becoming its 4. Just as with the increase in lines in the body of the Kadavaka, the single Sandhi has become the precursor of independent ana or narrative poetry unit like Sulasakhanu of Devachanda and middle-Gujarati poetry upto Premananda, in the same way the Kadavaka with its Kadavaka-Dhruva has become the precursor in Gujarati poetry. The Kadavaka-beginning stanza in that sense is the Kadavaka-Dhruvaka. Moreover Kadavaka-Dhruvaka is though as early as Svayambhu and Puspadanta, is however of later growth and hence not obligatory like the Sandhi-Dhruvaka.