5. Stray tendencies (i) Ms. A writes non-conjuncts in the place of conjuncts e.g. can for 1.1.7. etc.
(ii) A. has the tendency to write for : afhairg for a qite 1.5.9 ; A 894; B.C. #98 3.14.13 ; A. anga; B.C. at 3.14.11.
Similarly A. has the tendency to write a for 3: A. #43, B.C. 439 3.1.15.
The hesitation of the above tendency can be well understood by the compartive study of the variants of the same expressions of the three Mss.
(iii) A. has the tendency to write ffe, fare, faha, etc. while B.C. write, 516, 75, fic etc.
(iv) Metathetical sporadic < or 3 in the body of a word : A. nguftor for Anufrui 1.1.9. ; C. faforax 1.11.9. ; B. 14 for 4 1.11.10 etc.
(v) Final vowels are lengthened or dropped at the end or in the body of a word : A.B. महीयडू 1.4.4.; A. सकात्त, B.C. सुकात्त 1.6.7.; A.B.C. णिही and विही 1.7.5. ; A. 5 2.1.7. ( see in the next section the topic of the lengthening of the vowels. )
(vi) Long is reduced to long and vice versa :, B. , C. Hong 1.4.2. ; A.B. aisa Rt; C. quaft 1.2 1. etc.
(vii) and 3 are sometimes dropped at the end : C. , B. , A. SI 2.4.5. ; C. gg for ge of A., aj 2.4.12. etc.
(iii) Interchange of terminations through scribal errors: A. C. guacat, B. Juales ; 1.6.6. ; A. rf, B. gref&, C. 9797 1.9.7; A. Pelaat oargfaat 3.13.14. where the termination should be as in other Mss.
Besides the broad stray tendencies, the sporadic doubling of consonants, syncopation and general spelling-confusion are frequent in the Mss.
6. वर्गानुनासिक or a nasal stop Mss. always represent a nasal stop by a nasal dot on the penultimate vowel. It is expressed in its proper symbol only when it is combined with the vowel. I have followed in the text the Mss. tradition to represent it.
General Phonetic Changes (1) Vowels
(a) Lengthening of vowels :
(i) Compensatory Lengthening: It is on account of the simplification of the conjunct that the penultimate short vowel, whose quantity is otherwise long, is lengthened ; oftata1.2.6.; tira 1.2.10. by the side of a 1.8.3.; HETAT 2.2.14.; $er 5.2.8.; oftar oot; hral 1.5.5.