[ ९४ ] दुरहियास [ दुरभियास ] 12. दोच्च [द्वितीय] 11.7. second.
12. unbearable. Vदुरुहे [ उद्+रुह् ] 33. 15. धमणि [धमनी] 13.10. a vein. to climb,
धम्भ [धर्म] 6.4. a doctrine. दुल्लभ [ दुर्लभ ] 26. 18. धम्मायरिय [धर्माचार्य] 7. 22. difficult to obtain.
the teacher of the चार द्वार] 8. 13. a door doctrine. दुवे [वै] 13. 10. two. धरणीयल [धरणीतल] 13. 5. दुह [दुःख 4. 4. a bad
the surface of the earth. act.
धरिम [परिमन् ] 22. 21. दुहट्ट [ दुःखात ] 12. 6 pai
things that can be sold ned in body.
by weight. दूइज्जमाण [द्रवत् ] 76. 19.
'धस'त्ति [धस-इति ] 23. 5 going, moving.
an onomatopoetic word देज्ज [देय] 10. 5. compul
to indicate fall. sory contribution.
धाई [धात्री] 22 17. a nurse. देवाणुप्पिय [देवानांप्रियः] 6.25.
धिइ [धति] 24.6. happiness. the beloved of gods. देसप्पन्त [देशप्रान्त] 26. 14.
धिसर [D.] 60. 8. a kind
of net. border of the country.
ध्रुव धूिप] 55.9. incense. देसोभासा [देशीभाषा] 16.24.
धूया [ दुहित ] 28. 1. a vernaculars. देहंबली [ देहबलि ] 51. 16.
___daughter. the alms (c.).
धेज्ज [ध्येय ] 12. 19. fit हो [द्वि] 4. 3. two. to be thought about. दोउयरिय [द्वि+उदरिक] 51.9. a person suffering from
मई [ नदी ] 15. 18. a river. dropsy.
नक्क [D.] 13. 10. a nose.