Vash lazf] 10. 7. to dis-
card. qu [qui] 19. 2. grass. an [ag] 40. 21. hot. 7797 [aa] 4. 23. there. argu [F] 13. 25. frigh-
tened. tra (ara] 11. 25. ment
ally tired. qrt (-77] 47. 10. a rope. acou ( afo] 11. 19.
fattening of the body. gcofa (accufà] 12. 13. beginning from that time. 77 (21546.4. copper. azyt ID.] 10.9. a royal
officer (c.). afss [afaa] 19. 13. fried. gay 1798 1 29. 4. an
oven. gafat [ aqreqa ] 7. 18.
an ascetic. ak-fə (aer=fa] 13. 21.
let it be so. au [29] 5. 18. like that.
antaa (aurq] 7. 18. of that sort.
[] 4. 3. that. Vaig (at] 10, 7. to beat Vara (a19] 70. 6. to heat.
a [aaa] 43. 5. then. fa (fa) 24. 18. three. TaxiTu [f=%707] 77. 11. three instruments i. e. mind,speech and body. fafcat [fzeich: ] 3. 13.
thrice. fast [ 177 ) 10. 25. the place where three roads meet. fazgott [aft447] 4. 9. one who has established
Tirtha or right path. faça (D.] 66. 15. a bal). fafite (faza] 15. 8. a
lower living being faite [ fasz ] 25. 6. a
lower being. fazifas 18. 4. in small pieces like the grains of sesamum.