[ ८९ ] जंभा [ जम्भा ] 60.7. a devi- जागरिया [जागरिका) 22. 11. ce to catch fish.
a rite to keep awake जमगसमग [ यमकस्मक ] 10. observed by the relati.
17. simultaneously. ves on the sixth night जम्म [ जन्मन् ] 53. 23. birth. after the birth of a जम्मण [जन्मन् ] 80. 15. child; 12. 17. wakebirth,
fulness. जम्मपक [जन्मपक्व] 59. 2.
Vजाण [ज्ञा] 7.20. to know. __naturally cooked (c.).
जाणअ [ज्ञायक] 11. + a जर [ज्वर ] 10. 19. fever.
knower. जलयर [जलचर] 15. 8. an aquatic animal.
जामाउआ [जामातृ ] 28. 1. महण [ जघन] 17. 1. loins.
the son-in law. जहा [ यथा ] 4. 3. as.
जाणु [जानु] 24. 19. a thigh. जहानामए [ यथानामक ] 8. 14.
जायअ [जातक 7.7. born. namely.
जायनिंदुआ [जातनिर्दुता] 22. जहाविभवं [ यथाविभवं ] 65. 5. 2. a woman who gives
according to his state. birth to still-born जहोइयं [ यथाचित] 19. 20. children. as was deserving. जायमेत्त [जातमात्र 20. 23. जा [ यावत् 7. 28. as as soon as born. long as.
जायसङ्क [जातश्रद्ध] 3. 12. जाइ [ जाति ] 5. 4. birth.
one in whom faith is जाइअंध जात्यंध] 5. 4. blind
produced. by birth.
जाव [ यावत् ] 3. 6. upto. जाइसंपन्न [जातिसपन्न] 3. 4. possessing the know
जाहे [ यावत् ] 43. 4. so ledge of previous birth. long as.