· § 33. ] Vivāgasuyam. .
125 queen of king Adînasattu, in this very city of Hatthisisa. Then that queen Dhāranî, wbile she was lying in her bed half asleep and half awake, saw. a lion exactly as stated before (here the rest is to be supplied exactly as before, down to ) enjoyed excellent human pleasures in the palace. In this. way, oh, Goyama ! Subāhu has obtained and acquired such human prosperity. Then Goyama asked : “ Oh Venerable Sir ! will the prince Subāhu be able to submit himself to the tonsure before Your Lordship and accept monkood (lit. a houseless state) having renounced the state of a householder ?" The Samana answered : " Yes, he will be able to do so." Then reverend Goyama saluted and bowed down to Mahāvīra and passed his time in practising asceticism and penance. Then, at a certain time that Samaņa, Lord Mahāvíra, went out of the temple of the demigod Kayavanamāla, out of the park Pupphaga and out of the city of Hatthisîsa, and moved outside on his religious journeys. Then that prince Subāhu, who had become a devotee of the Samana and who had acquired the knowledge of the living and the non-living beings (and so forth, down to ) passed his time in making the monks accept his gifts,
Then at a certain time that prince Subāhu began to go to his Posaha-house on every fourteenth day of the fortnight, eighth day of the fortnight, new-moon day and full-moon day, and having done so he used to sweep it and having