$26. ] . Vivāgasuyam.
75. of theni he got to be bound in hand and feet by means of threads (here the rest to be supplied as above, down to ) ropes made of hair and then put them down in a well with their heads. down and made them drink water, some he caused to bleed by means of swords: (here the rest to be supplied as above, down to ) 'kalambachirapattas" and made them bathe with oil mixed with salts or acids, some he made to thrust nails and bamboo-pegs on their foreheads, collarbones, elbows, knees and heels and made them thrust, on the remaining parts of their body, those weapons resembling scorpian stings, some he made to thrust needles and blades of Darbha grass on the fingures of their hands and feet by means of small hammers and made them rub on theground, come he caused to bleed in their body by means of small razors ( here the rest to be supplied as above, down to ) nail-cutters and made them cover their bodies with wet Darbha and Kus'a grass and made them sit in the sunshine and when they ( the Darbha and the Kus'a grass ) were dry, pulled them out ( so that the skin would begin to bleed ) producing it • chhada chhadda' sound.
Then that jailor Dujjohana, whose actions were of this type, having accumulated great sin. and having lived his long life of thirty-one years, and having met with death at the time of surcease, was re-born as a hell-being in the sixth region of