The Eleventh Anga [ I. Lect. 4. supplied ). At that time and at that period there arrived on a visit the Samana, the blesse.l Mahāvîra, the assembly and the king went out to hear him, the law was expounded by the Samana, the assembly returned. At that time and at that period Goyama, the eldest disciple of the Samana (here the rest to be supplied 9, down to ) descended in the direction of the high road. There he saw many elephants, horses and men and amidst those men he saw one man, accompanied by a woman, who had his neck bent down (here the rest to be supplied $9, down to) and who was being announced as an offender by a proclamation. ( Here everything to be supplied as before, down to :) The blessed one replied : “ Truly, oh Govama ! at that time and at that period there was it city named Chhagalapura in the country of Bhāraha in this very continent of Jambuddiva. There, there was a king named Sîhagiri who was as powerful as the mountain Mahayā (here the remaining to be supplied ). In that city of Chhagalpura there dwelt a shepherd named Chhania who was rich (here the rest to be supplied, down to ) irreligious (here the rest to .be supplied $85-6, down to ) difficult to be pleased. That shepherd Chhania had many herds of animals such as goats, rams, rojzas, bulls, hares, pigs, young deer, lions, deer, peacocks, buffaloes, animals which are kept in hundreds and animals which are kept in thousands, who were kept in a pen. And there many other persons