$$ 15–16. ] Vivāgasuyam... supplied down to ) [who destroyed, cut, killed and instigated others to kiil (living creatures)], who was bloody-handed, whose fame as a thief had reached many cities, who was brave, who was a giver of heavy strokes, who was adventurous, and who hit at the sound of an object. He was irreligious and the foremost champion in wielding a sword. In that Sālā, the forest-settlement of thieves he enjoyed the leadership of five hundred thieves (here the rest to be supplied, down to ) passed his time happily.
16. Then, that Vijaya, the leader of thieves was also the shelter (lit. fence ) of many thieves, debauches, thieves who break open the knots of bundles (something like pick-pockets), thieves who break open the walls of houses by cutting holes into them, rogues ( lit. on who wears a rag, a thief ) and of many other thieves whose limbs were cut off (i.e. who were punished for thefts ) and who were exiled (and hence undesirable). Then that Vijaya, the leader of thieves, used to torture, kill, threaten, whip and deprive of their houses (lit. residences ), wealth, coin, and extort suitable money from the people of the north-easterly direction of the city -of Purimatāla, by means of destroying many villages and towns, capturing cattle, taking persons captives, waylaying travellers and breaking open the walls of houses by means of spade etc. He used to rob often (lit. every now and