§§ 6-7. 1
found him ugly and blind and then greatly afraid, frightened, agitated and taken by great fear sent for me, and having done so she spoke to me thus: Oh, you beloved of the gods! go and leave this boy on some lonely dung-hill.' Therefore, oh, lord! tell me whether I should leave him on a lonely dung-hill or not." Then that Vijaya Kshatriya having heard this from that elderly nurse and being equally agitated got up, and having done so went to the place where Miyadevi was, and having done so spoke to Miyadevi thus: "Oh, you beloved of the gods, this is your first born child and if you will leave it on a lonely dung-hill your future progeny will not be firm (.. will be short-lived); therefore pass your time rearing up this your child in a secret subterranean house by means of food prepared secretly; then your future progeny will be firm (ie. long-lived). Then that Miyadevi respectfully accepted the words of the Kshatriya Vijaya saying as your lordship commands', and having done so she passed her time by rearing up that boy in a secret subterranean house by means of food prepared secretly. In this way, oh, Goyama! the boy Miyaputta experiences the fruit of acts (here the rest to be supplied down to) done previously.
7. Then Goyama asked: “Oh, Venerable Sir ! where will this boy Miyaputta go from here after his death at the time of surcease (lit. at the end of