The Eleventh Anga [ I. Lect. 1. * The Samana replied: “ Yes, there is such a man.”
Goyama asked : " Oh, Reverend Sir, why is he blind by birth, or, blind as well as ugly by birth ? "
The Samana replied : “ Truly, oh, Goyama ! In this very city of Miyagāma there is a loy, the son of the Kshatriya king Vijaya by Miyadevî who is blind by birth or, blind as well as ugly by birth. That boy has (as above $ 3, down to) rears him up.
Then that venerable Goyama bowed dowu to and saluated the venerable Samana Mahāvīra, and naving done so spoke thus : “ Oh, Reverned Sir ! with your permission I wish to see that boy Miyāputta. ”
The Samana repiied : “Oh, beloved of the gods ! do, as you please.”
Then that venerable Goyama, having obtained permission from the venerable Samaua Mahāvíra, and greatly delighted and pleased went away from the presence of the venerable. Samana, and having done so he, without hurry (here the rest to be suppliect, down to ) carefully guarding his steps to where the city of Miyagāma was. Having done so, he went right through the city of Miyagāma to where was situated the palace of Miyādevî.
Then that Miyādevî saw the blessed Goyama coming, and having done so she, delighted and