186 वेर [वैरं ] 17. 15. spite. | सदावेइ [शब्दापयति] 10. 17. वेस [वेश] 40. 11. a dress. to call. वद् [ वृन्द ] 18. 19. a सद्धिं [साधं] 4. 19. with, collection.
सपक्खि [सपक्षेन] 22. 8. in स [स्व] 41. 13. One's the proper direction. own.
(c); Barnett followed सअ [स्वक] 12. 12. One's in trans.is wrong; used own.
with सपडिदिसि. सहरं स्वैरं] 38.24. of one's सपडिदिसि [सप्रतिदिशा] 22. accord.
8. in the exact cross सक्कार [ सत्कार ] 29. 14. direction. entertainment.
सप्प [सर्प] 79. 8.1. a ser. सगडिया [शकटिका] 79. 13. pent. a cart, or possibly a
समत्थ [समस्त] 3.10.whole. hearth cf. G. सगडी.
समट्ट [समर्थ] 10. 24. right, सच्च [सत्य] 35. 18. true. |
समण [ श्रमण J 1. 6. An
_ascetic. सज्झाय [ स्वाध्याय] 72.5a lection; the course of
समत्थ [समर्थ] 14. 19. able. scriptures.
समप्पभं [समप्रभं] 14. 14. of सहि [षष्ठि] 3. 4. sixty.
lustre similar to.
समभिपडइ [समभिपतति] 42. सत्तम [सप्तम] 1.7. seventh,
7. to attack. सत्तसत्तमी [ सप्तसप्तमी ] 58. 15. seven collections
सम्म [ सम्यक् ] 18. 12.
well. of seven days.
समाण [समान] 15. 6. सत्थवाह [ सार्थवाह ] 3. 9.
simaltaneous mith of the leader of a caravan
Guj. करता साथे; Mar के i. e. a big merchant. । ल्या बराबर.