अलत्त [ अलकक] 77. 4. a | अहापज्जत [ ययापर्याप्त ] 76. red dye.
14. as chanced, as obअलेवाड [ अलेपकृत] 55.9. tained. (N)
अहापडिरूव [यथाप्रतिरूप] 48. अपओडयबंधण (c) [अव(को)
2. befitting. मोटितबंधन] 37. 10. bound अहापवित्तं [ यथाप्रवृत्तां] 29. cross-legged (N)
13. (c) as used to be अवक्कमह [अवकाम्यति] 18. 1.
before. to go off.
अहासुत्त [यथासूत्र] 55. accorअवस्समरियव्वं [अवश्यमर्तव्यम् ]
ding to the scriptures. 50. 8. to have to die
अहासुहं [ यथासुखं ] 8. 12. certainly.
according to pleasure. अविमणे [अविमनाः ] 45. 5.
अहासंनिहिय [ यथासंनिहित ] not sorrowful.
18. 12. duly near. अविसादी [अविषादी] 45. 6.
अहिसिञ्चइ [अभिषिंचति] 51 undejected.
10. to give installation भव्वाबाह [अन्याबाध] 84. 8.
bath. unobstructed.
अहिज्जइ [अध्येति ] 23. 13. असण [अशन] 41. 18. food.
to learn. असोग [ अशोक: ] 2. 23.
अहे [अधः] 28. 2. below. As'oka tree; the समव- अहोरत्त [अहोरात्र] 55. 3.
सरण seat is proverbially a day & night. — arranged under असोग. अंकिय [ अंकित ] 8. 6. वरपायवे,
marked. असंबुद्ध 49. 19. one ha- अंग 1. 7. one of the elving no understanding. ven texts of the Jain असंभंत [ असंभ्रान्त ] 41. 7. Canon. unconfounded.
अंतगडदसाओ [भन्तकृशाः]