Glossary Abbreviations; D=Deshi;(N)=Notes; (C)=Commentary.
The two numbers respectively denote the page and line. मकलुस [अकलुष]45. 5 Un- अच्चुअ [ अच्युत ] 51.3. purturbed.
the name of the twelfth मकामाई [अकामेन] 16. 13. heaven of the Jainas. Unwillingly.
अच्छि [अक्षि] 77. 11. an अकोसइ [आक्रोशति] 44. 15. to cry out.
अज्ज [अद्य] 13. 4. today. अक्ख य [अक्षय] 84. 8. Un.
अज्ज [आर्यः] 1. 3. Revedecaying.
rend. अक्खसुनमाला [भक्षसूत्रमाला]
अज्जय [आर्यक] 35. 16. ३ 79. 6. the rosary of
grandfather. : the beads of Aksha
अज्जा [ आर्या ] 32. 5. a fruits.
nun. मक्खुभिज [अक्षुन्ध] 41. 6.
अज्झयण [अध्ययन] 2, 4. A Unagitated.
lesson. अगत्थिय [अगस्त्य] 76. 8. a . kind of tree,
अज्झवसाण [अध्यवसान] 18.8. अग्गमहिसी [अप्रमहिषी] 31.
___a resolution. 10. the eldest queen.
अट्ट [अर्थः] 1. 7. matter. अचलिय [ अचलित] 41. 6. अट्ठ [अष्ट] 3. 18. Eight. Unmoved.
अहमी [अष्ट-अष्टमी] 59.9. मच्चणय [ अर्चनक ] 36.7. eight collections of eigworship.
ht days.