I In the above chart the top is सिद्धशिला. II 5 अनुत्तर विमानाः = The Highest Mansions expressed in the square by 5 dots. IJI 9 sqqas IV No. १-१२ = 12 कल्पs. V मध्यलोक. VI Seven nether-worlds with 7 central squares forming 7 Fans from रत्नप्रभा to महातमःप्रभा.
For a detailed chart See Trapå. P. 13 (PTIÈMHASIAT series. II published Motilal Ladhji, Poona); also see, Barnett [Trans. Ant. & Anu. D. P. 140] For detailed information read art. chap. III, the commentary on the Sutras quoted.