भगवओ महावीरस्स अदूरसामंते गमणागमए पडिकमाइ एसणमणेसणं आलोएइ २ भत्तपाणं पडिदंसेइ । भगवती II. 5. leaf 139 (b).
___47. 10. इंदभूती (जहा पण्णत्तीए [जाव] See. भगवती II. 5. leaf 137 onward for the full details.
48. 11. Read आयाहिणपयाहिणं [0] वंदइ [२] वि. उलेणं असा [४]=असणं पाणं खाइमं साइमं ।
49. 19-20. असंबुद्धे [जाव] तुम पुत्ता !; generally the words dropped may be असंबुद्धे अविणीए etc. but the exact reference I cannot find; Barnett does not note that the words after stice are dropped.
34. 3. Read अब्भणुण्णाया समाणा [0] उवसंपज्जित्ताणं विहरइ।
56. 1-7. See the story of खंदअ wherefrom the gaps of his चिता and आपुच्छणा can be filled up. 58. 23. Instead of भिक्खासएणं । अहासुत्ता [जाव] Read भिक्खासरणं अहासुत्तं [जाव ]; so also correct 59. 10; 59. 17; 59. 24. The gaps at all these places are to be filled up from the story of dican quoted before.
66. •15-16. See the story of खंदअ for details. 67. 5-9. See the story of खंदअ for details.