Ed. Vaidya. Appendix II P. 97--111 where he has quoted the whole story.
3. 19. अठओ दाओ । for the details of the eight gifts each see the story of महाबल-भगवती XI. 11. leaf 546 (b).
4. 2. जहामेहे-The story of मेघ; नाया० सुयकंध० १ अज्झ० १.
___4. 4. देवाणुप्पियाणं० fc. 30. 1-४. देवाणुप्पियाणं अंतिए मुंडे [जाव] पव्वयामि । i.e. मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वयामि ।
4. 4. जहा मेहे [जाव] अणगारे जाए ! The whole story of 9 till he became a friar is to be repeated mutatis mutandis here.
4. 5. इरियासमिए [जाव] etc. ओव० $ 21. इरियासमिया भासासमिया एसणासमिया आयाणभंडमत्तनिक्खेवणासमिया उच्चारपासवणखेलसिंघाणजल्लपारिठावणियासमिया मणगुत्ता वयमुत्ता कालगुत्ता गुप्ता गुतिंदिया गुत्तबंभयारी etc.
4. 8. बहुहिं चउत्य [जाव] विहरइ । बहुहिं चउत्यछठमदसम दुवालसेहि मासद्धमासखमणेहिं विचित्तेहिं तवोकम्मेहि अप्पाणं भवेमाणे विहरइ (See below). ___4 16-20. जहा खंदओ । The story of स्कंदक is often referred to here. Relevent passages espe. cially the penance and his चिंतणा, आपुच्छणा are referred to at various places. The following portion will be found much useful. [amoradt II. 1. leaf. 123 (a). ff.