6. 14. दढपइण्ण [दढप्रतिज्ञः ] See. अभयदेव's com. P. 87. where the reference of रायपसेणीय is given; but one can find the same in 811a. Sūtra 105 -109.
8. 5. निलुप्पलगुलिय etc. The com. reads निलुप्पलगवलगुलिय etc. and instead of अयसिकुसुम it seems to read अयसियकुसुम etc. 6. कुसुमकुंडलभद्दलया=resplendent with flowery earrings; Com. P. 89 अभयदेव-beautiful with the ear-ornamnt resembling hara flower. नलकुब्बर=acc. to अभयदेव, वैश्रमणपुत्र i. e. the son of Kubera. Barnett connects this नलकूबर with नरकुवर of the Buddhist Tantra Text: महायक्षसेनापतिनरकुवरकल्प and says that tagage was the General of the army of वैश्रमण. ( See. Trans. Ant. P. 146-147) 10. छठंछठेणं अणिक्खित्तेणं तवोकम्मेणं [षष्ठंषष्टेण अनिक्षिप्तेण तपःकर्मणा ] A sort of mortification where the fast is to be broken every third day. 16. पोरिसी-पुरुषSANTETAT; the watch of a day or a quarter of a day or night; each watch therefore lasts about 3 hours, the first watch beginning at noon. 22. सहसंबवण [ सहस्त्राम्नवन ] Barnett and others सहस्संबवण; all Mss, सहसंबवण. which is probable. to be right due to the effect of the penultimate tone which is found in Prakrit. I have all through kept therefore सहसंबवण. 26. घरसमुद्दाणस्स-अभयदेव on अणु० P. 108 ‘समुद्दाणति भक्ष्यं । As to Mss. समुदाणं is generally found.