Then that Sunakkhatta by noble... (mortification) [etc.]...just like Khanda-a...
In that age, at that time...the city of Rayagiha...the sanctuary Gunasila-a...the king Seniya...the Master arrived. The congregation went out. The king also went out... The story of the doctrine...the king went back .. The congregation also went back .. Then, some other time this Sunakkhatta in the mid-might had a religious vigil as that of Khanda-a. The period many years; the question of Goyama. In the same way (the Ascetic etc.) replied [until] ‘He is reborn in the Mansion of Savvatthasiddha.' . His existence is for the period of thirtythree Sagarovamas.' '(Where) will he, sir (etc.).' 'He will be beatified in MahaVideha. ,
Thus ends the second lesson.
Thus all the remaining eight are to be described in the way of Sunakkhatta.
Only in the repective order, two in Rayagiha, two in Sae-a, two in Vaniyaggāma, the ninth in Hatthiņāpura, the tenth in Rayagiha. Of (first) nine, the mothers are