Then, some other time, this Friar Dhanna, at mid-might had a religious vigil... and had thought [4] of such a sort.
“Thus indeed, I, by this noble (etc...] (mortification)...” The pondering as in the case of Khanda-a; leave-taking; clomb the Viula with the Elders; month's fasts; the period nine months; (until] coming to death, in the death-month, he was reborn as a god in the mansion of Savvatthasiddha, - having gone far upwards beyond the series of nine Gevejja Mansions... upwards beyond Chandima (etc.)...
" How long there, sir, the existence of Dhanna ordained ? "
“ His existence, Goyama, is ordained there for thirty-three Sāgarovama periods."
" Whither, shall he, sir go from that celestial world ? "
"Goyama, he will be beatified in the land of Mahāvideha."
Thus, indeed, Jambu, this is the matter of the first lesson preached by the Ascetic [until] attained.”
The first lesson ends.