back, then that king Seniya, having heard and listened to the doctrine before the Ascetic Lord Mahavira, praised and worshi. pped him, and thus said;
"Is it, indeed, sir, that this Friar Dhanna, among these fourteen thousand friars headed by Indabhūi belabours himself much and to the best cleanses himself ? "
“ Indeed, it is, Seniya that this Friar Dhanpa, among these fourteen thousand friars headed by Inda-bhūi belabours himself much and to the best cleanses himself.”
“On what ground, sir, is it so said that this Friar Dhanna, among these [etc.] be labours himself much and to the best cleanses himself ?”
“ Thus, indeed, Seniya, in that age, at that time, there was a city named Kayandi [etc.] He enjoyed upwards in the paragon of a palace. Then I, some other time arrived,wandering in one place after another, and passing from one village to another-at the city of Kayandi, in park Sabasamavana; took a befitting place and abode with restraint [etc.]. The congregation went out. [ the story is the same as before; until ] he