The beauty [etc.] of knees of Dhanna... of such sort, to wit...like the joints of a Kali bird, like those of a peacock, like those of a peahen... Thus [until] (not) by (flesh and) blood.
The beauty [ etc. ] of the thigh of Dhanna , to wit, like shoots of Priyangu-tree, of Badari, of Sallakı, of Shalmali which when ripe...in the sun [etc.]. Thus the thighs of Dhan na [until] by blood.
The beauty [etc.] of the hip-bone, to wit... like the feet of a camel, of an old bull, of a buffallo [until] by blood.
The beauty [ etc. ) of the belly of Dhanna...to wit, like a dry water-bag of leather, a pot-shred for baking, like the front portion of the branch of a tree, hanging down. Thus the belly was dry [etc.]
The beauty [etc.] of the ribs of Dhanna... to wit... like a row of small round mirrors, like a row of small round vessels, like a row of small troughs; thus [etc.]
The beauty [etc.] of the spinal cord of Dhanna was of such a sort...to wit...like a row of the pointed ends of crown-jewels,