read his lection, in the first watch of night on the first fast-breaking time after the sixth meal. Just like master Goyama, he bade farewell [until] went to the city of Kayandi, and there moving about in the families high etc (accepted) Ayambila-food and not non-Ayambila-food...[until]... which other...do not need. Then that Friar Dhanna, seeking alms with the vigorous, zealous, careful way of seeking alms, if he got food, did not get drink. Then that Friar Dhanna accepted the alms, as chanced, being not depressed, despirited, unperturbed not regretting, not exhausted in self-restraint, observing a rule of heedfulness and assiduity-, went out from the city of Kayand1, and showed (his food etc.) like Goyama. Then that Friar Dhanna, being permitted by the reverend Ascetic, unattached [until]...free from the infatuation of worldly objects, ate food himself (as without touching) as a serpent (goes in) the hole, and abode with restraint, mortification [etc.]
Then the Ascetic Lord Mahavira set out from park Sahasambavana, from the city of Kayandi. Then the Ascetic Lord Mahavira moved about in the country outside.