Dhanna Sunakkhatta and Isidasa are to be learnt Pella-a and Ramaputta also Chandiman and Pitthiman; Friar Pedhālaputta and ninth Po thila too; Vehalla is said the tenth these ten are to be learnt."
"If, sir, ten lessons of the Third Division of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions are preached by the Ascetic [until] attained, what is the matter of the first lesson preached by the Ascetic [until] attained ?"
"Thus indeed, Jambu, in that age, at that time, there was a city named Kayandi, wealthy, tranquil and prosperous; the garden Sahasambavaṇa [ redolent with flowers and fruits of] all seasons...a king Jiyasattu. Here in the city of Kayandi, there dwelt a merchant's wife named Bhadda rich, [until] unsurpassed. This merchant's wife Bhadda had a son named Dhanna, perfect [until] of handsome form, attended by five nurses; namely, by a milk-nurse, like Mahabbala [until] learnt 72 arts [until] became able for worldly enjoyment. Then the merchant's wife Bhadda knowing that her son, Dhanna