upward order... Abh-a in Vijaya. The rest the same as in the first lesson. The matter to be known of Abha-a, — the city of Ra'yagiha, the king Seniya.... the rest the same as before.
“ Thus indeed, Jambu, this is the matter preached of the First Division, of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions by the Ascetic (until] attained.”
THE SECOND DIYISION. “ If, sir, this is the matter of the first division of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions preached by the Ascetic [until] attained, what sir, is the inatter of the Second Division of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions, preached by the Ascetic [until] attained ?"
“ Thus, indeed, Jambu, thirteen lessons of the Second Division of the Fortunes of those who were reborn in the Highest Mansions are preached by the Ascetic [until] attained - namely.