like Udayana, withdrew. Only, he anointed his eldest son ( to rule over ) his kingdom. Eleven Scriptures... the period many years [until] beatified on the Vipula.
“Thus, Jambū, this matter is preached of the Sixth Division, by the Ascetic [etc.].” [Sūtra. 15.]
"If etc.” The Introduction of the Seventh Division. (Until] thirteen lessons are preached They are namely,
Nanda; Nandavai, Nanduttara Nandiseniya also;Maruya, Sumaruyā, Mahamaruyā, Marudevā eighth; Bhaddā Subhaddā, Sujaya also, Bhuyadinna should be known as the names of the wlves Senīya."
“If sir, [etc.] thirteen lessons are preached, what is the matter, sir, preached of the first lesson by the Ascetic [ etc. 7 ?"
"Thus, indeed, Jambu, in that age at that time,.., a city of Rayagiha... Guñasila-a sanctuary... the king, Seniya. This King