Mahāvīra, the first-maker (until] desirous to attain, abides exercising himself (until] by constraint, having taken a proper place, in the park Sirivana outside the city of Polasapura here. There we dwell."
Then that Prince Aimutta said thus to the reverend Goyama;
“I go with you. Sir, tu do reverence to the feet of the Ascetic, Lord Mahavīra. If it pleases you, Beloved of Gods, do not put a stop to it.”
Then that Prince Aimutta with the reverend Goyama approached the Ascetic Mahāvīra, walked thrice from right to right, praised [until] waited before him. Then the reverend Goyama approached the Ascetic Lord Mahā. vira [ until] showed ( him, food etc. ] and abode with mortification and constraint. Then the Ascetic (preached)...the story of the doctrine...before Aimutta and that (congregation). Then that Aimutta, having heard and listened to the doctrine from the Ascetic, Lord Mahavira became glad [ etc. ]... heart [etc.] ...(and said) “But only, Beloved of Gods, I shall take leave of my father and mother; then