Then that Kanha Vasudeva, having heard and listened to this matter, with all hopes laid low [etc.] thought inwardly.
“Kanha,” the Saint Aritthanemi said thus to Kanha Vasudeva“ Do not you, Beloved of Gods, brood with all hopes laid low [etc.]. Verily thus, Kanha, you will get out of the flaming third earth and thereafter here of course, in Jambudiva, in the country of Bhāraha in the land of Punda, in the coming Ussappiní cycle, in the city of Saya: duvāra, you will be the twelfth saint. Amama. There when you shall be beati. fied [5] attaining for many years the period of the condition of a Kevali."
So Kanha Vasudeva having heard and listened to this matterin the presence of the saint Aritthaņemi became glad, satisfied [etc.] clapped, broke into a three-step dance, made a lion's roar, praised and worshipped the saint Aritthaņemi, clomb his state-ele. phant and made his way to the city of Bāravai to his own house. Then he got off from the excellent state-elephant, went to the outer audience-chamber towards his own throne, lay dowm with his face towards the east and said thus;