In the same way, Mayali, Uvayali, Purisasena and Varisena. So also Pajjunnaexcepting, Kanha, father and Ruppini, mother. So also Samba-excepting Jambavai, mother. So also Aniruddha-excepting Pajjunna, father and Vedabbhi mother. So also Saccaņemi--excepting, Samuddavijaya father, Sivā mother; so also Dadhanemi. All in one one course. The conclusion of the Fourth Division.
[ THE FIFTH DIVISION ] If sir, by the Ascetic [until] attained, this is the matter of the fourth division preached, what is the matter of the Fifth Division of the Fortunes of the Endwinners preached by the Ascetic (until] attained ?"
“Verily, thus Jambū, ten lessons are preached of the Fifth Division by the Ascetic (until] attained, they are,
Paumāvai, Gori, Gandhari, Lakkhana and Susīma; Jambavai, Saccabhāmā, Ruppini, Mulasiri also Mūladattā."
“ If, sir, by the Ascetic [until] attained ten lessons are preached of the Fifth Division what is the matter, sir, of the first leson preached ? "