too who have born similar [until] sons, Hence shall I go, shall praise the saint Aritthnemi and ask him of this prophecy." Thus she pondered. Having pondered, she called the chamberlains and said to them "(Bring forth quickly, Beloved of Gods) the stately [car) supplied with excellent equipment [etc.] ” Like Devanandā she [until] waited before the Saint.
Then the saint Aritthnemi said this to Queen Devai " Thus verily, Devai, when you saw these six friars, there arose in you the following resolve [etc.] Thus verily I, in the city of Polaspur was foretold by the boy-friar Atimutta that (until]. You set out, and thereupon you come soon here in my presence. Verily, Devai, the matter is indeed right; yes, it is! Thus verily, Beloved of Gods, there dwelt in those days a householder named Nāga [rich etc). He had a wife named Sulasā. This housewife Sulasā was indeed foretold in the childhood by an astrologer “This girl will surely be sterile.' Thereafter this Sulasā was from childhood the devotee of Harinegamesi. She made the image of Hari negmesi. Every morning, then she bathed [until] made