when the time came round for allowing themselves the sixth meal, read their lections. in the first watch of the afternoon......slike Goyama] [until] “ By your permission, we intend to go round the city of Baraval in three open places, on the fast-breaking time after the sixth meal; if it pleases you, Beloved of Gods, do not put a stop to us.”
Then these six friars on being permitted by saint Aritth nemi praised and worshipped; sallied forth from Sahasambavaņa from the presence of Saint Aritthnemi and went round without haste in three open places.
Now (two of them), wandering for seeking alms by gathering them from house to house, in the families, high, middle-classand low, entered the house of Devai, queen of king Vasudeva. Then this Queen Devaì saw these friars coming. Having seen them, she became glad [until], got up from the. seat, thrice walked round them from right to right at a space of eight feet, praised and worshipped them, went in the direction. of the pantry, lilled the the tray with Sihakesara sweet-balls, offered it to the friars praised and worshipped them and let them return.