ners, are preached by the Ascetic, [ until ] attained, how many are the lessons of the Fortunes of End-winners preached by the Ascetic (until] attained ?”
“Thus, verily, Jambū, ten lessons are preached of the first division of the eighth Scripture, the Fortunes of the End-winners by the Ascetic (until] attained-namely • Goyama, Samudda, Sāgara, Gam
bhira, Thimia. .: Ayala, Kampilla, Akkhobha, Pasepai and Vinhū.
"If, sir, the ten lessons in the first division of the eighth Scripture, the Fortunes of the End-winners are preached by the Ascetic [ until ] attained, what matter, Sir, of the first lesson in the Fortunes of the End-winners, is preached by the Ascetic [until] attained ?"
“ Thus verily, Jambū, in that age, at the time, there was a city named Bâravai. It was twelve yojanas in length and nine yojanas in breadth. It was built by the intellect of the Lord of Wealth. It had gold ramparts. It was adorned by the five coloured cornices of varied jewels. It was very