की दाहिनी ओर रखना। तर्जनी, पद्म, अङ्कुश और दण्ड को सव्य क्रम से धारण करने वाला सौम्यक नाम का द्वारपाल उत्तर द्वार की बाँयी तरफ रखना । तर्जनी, दण्ड, कमल और अङ्कुश को अपसव्य क्रम से धारण करने वाला शुभदायक नाम का द्वारपाल उत्तर द्वार की ओर रखना । ये आठों द्वारपाल पूर्वादि द्वार के दोनों तरफ रखे हुए शुभदायक हैं।
The eight dvarapalas or door-keepers who watch over the portals of Ganesh shrines are all dwarfish in size like Vaman, with faces like men, and a wonderous lustrc.
The guardian Avighan (who stands to the left of the eastern door), has a raised finger (tarjani), an axe, a lotus and a danda respectively as his attributes in his hands (33). With the tarjani and danda and so forth held in the opposite or reverse order is Vighanarajak (who stands to the right of the door).
At the southern portal stands Suvakra (to the left of the door), holding a raised finger (tarjani), a Khadag sword, onc hand in the Varad mode and the danda (34). Possessing the same attributes in his four hands, but in the opposite order, is Balawantak (who stands to the right of the door).
Gajakarnak is the name of the doorkeeper who watches over (the left side of) the western entrance. His attributes are the tarjani finger, an arrow, a bow and the danda rod, respectively (35). Holding the same attributes, but in the opposite order, stands Gokarna at (the right of) the western door.
At (the left of) the northern portal stands Susaumyak with the raised tarjani finger, a lotus, a goad and the danda rod in his hands (36). With the tarjani and danda and so forth held in the reversed order, stands Shubhadayak (to the right of the door).
These eight dvarapalas or guardians, placed on either side of the four entrance portals of a Ganesh shrine, are harbingers of auspiciousness and good fortune.(37).
कार्तिक स्वामी
कार्तिकेयं प्रवक्ष्यामि तरुणादित्यसप्रभम् ।