Then came Chandraprabh, Pushpadanta, and as the tenth Tirthankar, Sheetal. Shreyansa, Vasupujya, Vimal, Anant and Dharma followed. (2).
Shantinath was the next Tirthankar. After him came Kunthunath, Arnath, Malli, Munisuvrata, Naminath, Neminath, Parshvanath and, as the final Great One, Vardhman.
These are the twenty-four Great Ones, the Tirthankars, known to the learned. ( 3 ).
तीर्थकरों के वर्ण
रक्तौ च पद्मप्रभवासुपूज्यौ,
शुक्लौ च चन्द्रप्रभपुष्पदन्तौ ।
कृष्णौ पुनर्नेमिमुनी च नीलौ,
कनकत्विषोऽन्ये ॥४ ॥
पद्मप्रभ और वासुपूज्य ये दोनों लाल वर्ण के हैं । चन्द्रप्रभ और पुष्पदंत ये दोनों सफेद वर्ण के हैं। नेमिनाथ और मुनिसुव्रत ये दोनों कृष्ण वर्ण के हैं। मल्लिनाथ और पार्श्वनाथ ये दोनों नीले (हरे) वर्ण के हैं। बाकी के सोलह तीर्थकर 'सुवर्ण वर्ण वाले हैं ।
Padmaprabh and Vasupujya are both red in colour, while Chandraprabh and Pushpadanta are white. Nemi (nath) is dark, as is Muni(suvrata). Shri Malli (nath) and Parshva (nath) are both. · blue coloured, while the other ( sixteen ) remaining Tirthankars are golden in colour. ( 4 ).
तीर्थङ्करों के चिह्न -
वृषो गजोऽश्व प्लवगः क्रौञ्चोऽब्जं स्वस्तिकः शशी ।
मकरः श्रीवत्सः खड्गी महिषः शूकरस्तथा ॥५ ॥