Uvavaiya Suttam Sh. 6
के पास बहुत सारा धन-विपुल सम्पत्ति, सोना और चाँदी थी। वह अर्थ लाभ के उपायों का प्रयोक्ता था, अर्थात् धन-वृद्धि के लिये अनेक प्रकार से प्रयत्नशील था। बहुत से व्यक्तियों के भोजन-दान के पश्चात् विपुल भोजनपान' अपेक्षी-जनों में बाँट दी जाती थी। उसके यहाँ अनेक दासियों, दास, गायें, भैसों की अधिकता थी। उसके यहाँ यन्त्र, खजाना, अन्न आदि वस्तुओं का भण्डार, शस्त्रागार अति समृद्ध था।
He had all the finer virtues like compassion for others. He upheld the tradition and defended it. He gave peace to his realm and he ruled in peace. He was like an Indra among
men, the parent of the country, the protector of the country, the priest of the country, the leader of the country, the creator of ideals, the succour of best men, He was the best among men, a lion among men, a tiger among men, a cobra among men, a white lotus among. men, a gandha-elephant among men. Thus he was prosperous, valorous and famous, the master of many a mansion, many a cushion, many vehicles and animals. He commanded a huge treasure of gold and silver, and always enlarged his treasure through diverse measures. His kitchen always cooked a huge quantity of food which left a surplus after dining. He was served by many valets and attendants, and possessed a vast collection of cows, buffaloes and sheep. Besides, he had a huge collection of instruments, treasures, grains and arms.
बलवं दुब्बल-पच्चामित्ते ओहयकंटयं निहयकंटयं मलिअकंटयं उद्धियकंटयं अकंटयं ओहयसत्तुं निहयसत्तुं मलियसत्तुं उद्धियसत्तुं निज्जियसत्तुं पराइअसत्तुं ववगय-दुभिक्खं मारिभय-विप्पमुक्क खेमं सिवं सुभिक्खं पसंत-डिंब-डमरं रज्जं पसासेमाणे विहरइ ॥६॥
उसके पास प्रभूत सेना थी। उसने अपने राज्य के सीमान्त प्रदेश के राजाओं अथवा पड़ोसी राजाओं को दुर्बल अर्थात् शक्तिहीन बना दिया था।