Kalpa Sūtra
or a heap of pearls, or an ocean of milk, or the beams of the moon, or the foam of waves or the silvery mountain; with its temples perfumed with scented fluid attracting bees; equalling in its physical dimensions the great Airāvata of the king of gods; trumpeting deep and fine like the thunder of a large raincloud.
२. तो पुणो धवल-कमल-पत्त-पयराइरेग-रुव-प्पभं पहासमुदनोवहारेहि सव्वो चेव दिवयंतं अइसिरिभर-पिल्लणा-विसप्पंत-कंत-सोहंत-चारु-ककुहं तण-सुद्ध-सुकुमाल-लोमनिद्धच्छविंथिर-सुबद्ध-मंसलोवचिय-ल?-सुविभत्तसुंदरंग पिच्छइ घण-वट्ठ-लट्ठ-उक्किट्ठ-तुप्पग्ग-तिखसिंगं दंतं सिवं समाण
सोहंत-सुद्ध-दंतं वसहं अमियगुण-मंगल-मुहं ।। 2. Then (she saw) a tame, lucky bull, with complexion whiter than a heap of white lotus petals; illuminating all around by the diffusion of a glory of light; with a lovely, resplendent, beautiful hump displaying in all its grace; with a frame looking delightful and covered with fine, clean and tender hairs; with beauty emanating from well-set and well-formed muscles; with body proportioned and fine; with two beautiful horns, thick, round, gracious and fine; pointed at the tip and greased; with teeth equal, white and bright; with face indicating innumerable good qualities and auspicious marks.
34 ३. तो पुणो हार-निकर-खीर-सागर-ससंक-किरण-दग-रय-रयय-महासेलपंडुरंगं रमणिज्ज-पिच्छनिजं थिरलट्ट-पउटु-वट्ट-पीवर-सुसिलिट्ठ-तिक्खदाढा-विडंबिय-मुहं परिकम्मिय-जच्च-कमल-कोमल-पमाण-सोहंत-लट्ठ-उठेंरत्तुप्पल-पत्त-मउय-सुकुमाल-तालु-निल्लालियग्ग-जीहं मूसायय-पवर-कणगताविय-आवत्तंत-वट्ट-तडि-विमल-सरिस-णयणं विसाल-पीवर-बरोरुं पडिपुन्नविमल-खंधं मिउ-विसय - सुहम - लक्खण-पसत्थ-वित्थिन्न - केसराडोव-सोहियं ऊसिय-सुनिम्मिय-सुजाय-अप्फोडिय-लंगूलं सोमं सोमाकारं लीलायंतं नहयलामो उवयमाणं नियग-वयणं अइवयंतं पिच्छइ सा गाढ-तिक्खग्ग-नहं सीहं
णयण-सिरी-पल्लव-पत्त-चारु-जीहं । 3. And then (she saw) a good-looking, delightfu), moon-like and jovial lion jumping from the sky towards her face; with his body-complexion whiter than a heap of pearls, an ocean of milk, the beams of the moon, the foam of waves or the silvery
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