Extracts from Prof. Harman Jacobi's Preface to Upamitibhava Prapancha Katha
Upamitibhava Prapancha Katha is the first extensive and elaborate Allegory in Indian Literature; it precedes, by nearly two centuries, Křsạmiśpras famous play, the Prabhodbachandrodaya, which has ever since been regarded as a model of allegorical composition by a host of imitators. It is a narrative consisting of a series of birth-stories, i. e, the hero of all stories is the same person in different births. This is an old device common to Buddhists and Jainas; and it had been employed with great success by Haribhadra in constructing his Samaraichcha Kabā. In that work the history of two persons, of whom the one of bad character had conceived a most intense hatred of, and desire of revenge towards, an essentially good person, is followed up through nine of their births in which they again happen to be brought together.
(P. XV.)
From this bare outline of the plan of the Upmi. tibhava Prapancha Kathā it will be seen that it is the intention of the author to illustrate the Jaina religion, not however as a dogmatist but as a moralist. This same purpose serves several moral stories and lengthy sermons by saints inserted in proper places.
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