- भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३३
जणणिसेविया सया साहुगरहणिज्जा अणंतसंसारवद्धणा 'कडुगफलविवागा चुडल्लिव्व अमुच्चमाणदुक्खाणुबंधिणो सिद्धिगमणविग्घा। से के स णं जाणइ अभ्मयाओ! के पुट्विं गमणयाए के पच्छा। तं इच्छामि णं अम्मयाओ जाव...पव्वइत्तए।
Jamāli said, “My dear parents! I appreciate all that you have said about my wives. They are really very worthy things. But you know well that these human desires and experiences so much extolled by you are always impure, apart from being transcient. Their base is impure, blood. saliva, semen. They are unpleasent, loathsome, full of foul odour. Through energy and respiration, they generate restlessness, but in themselves, they are unwholesome, transcient, light, impure like kalmala (an impure substance in human body), causing misery, and they are common to all human beings. The enjoyment of desires, as you know, ca'uses severe mental and physical exhaustion. Such a thing may be coveted only by the fools, but , wise men always avoid them. The enjoyment of desires only enlongens the process of the infinite world. It is pungent in its outcome, painful like the touch of a bundle of hay, extremely distressing and difficult to get rid of. The enjoyment of desires is a major hurdle on the road to salvation. Considering all these, my dear parents, please permit me." . .
• तएणं तं जमालि' खत्तियकुमारं अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-इमे य ते जाया ! अज्जयपज्जयपिउपज्जयागए सुबहुहिरण्णे य सुवण्णे य कसे य दूसे य विउलधणकणग जाव...संतसारसावएज्जे अलाहि जाव...आसत्तमाओ कुलवंसाओ पकामं दाउं पकामं भोत्तु परिभाएउ तं अणुहोहि ताव जाया ! विउले माणुस्सए इडिसक्कारसमुदए तओ पच्छा अणुहूयकल्लाणे वड्डियकुलवंस: जाव... पब्वइहिसि ।
Parents rcplied, “Dear son ! Here in your home, you have a vast store of silver, gold, bell-metal, cloth, till things of value collected by your grand-father, great-grand-father and great great-grand-father. The treasure is so vast that even if it isa distributed for seven generations with open palms, enjoyed or